As the old saying goes, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Well November had its fair share of lemons for us at Tong and Chic Creations. A recurring shoulder injury has severely affected my ability to get creative and am currently limited to making smaller items. I was however, persistent enough to finish off my Brighton Jetty Sculptures entries. In the mean time Ann has been busily working away in the studio making her entries for the sculpture and one is finished and the other is getting the final touches.

So about these lemons…… Well since I am limited on my creative abilities I decided to tidy up around the studio in preparation for an upcoming Christmas Decoration class. A small patch of lawn needed mowing and when I say small I am talking about 1m wide by 2m long. Well lets just say a small stone and tempered glass don’t get on too well and the end result was a shattering of one of the doors. It didn’t shatter immediately, but waited for about 30 minutes after the mowing before it exploded. The scary part was the cost to repair was double the price of the complete door!
Well Ann looked at these lemons and said to herself “I can do something with this, I have seen it done before. So after about 2 hours of collecting the glass and putting it into bowls the glass door is now being repurposed into another piece of art. The job of cleaning the dust and grit out of the glass is a tedious task but hopefully the end result will be one worth admiring.

New Online Shop
Other news is we now have an online shop that is now open for business. Our other site that we used for our whatever exhibition is now also our ecommerce shop. The address is . To celebrate the opening, we are offering 10% off when you use the coupon code newstore22. For our local customers we are offering local pickup, and outside the local area there is a shipping calculator that seems to be pretty accurate. The stock will be updated often and of particular interest at this time of the year are the Christmas Decorations Please if you have any issues with the shop let me know.
Well that seems to be all for now so until next month take care and stay safe.